There are different tools for telling a story on a visual medium. Sure, TV and Films might be more popular for mass consumption but Comic Books can be more engaging.
What are some of the differences and similarities between what happens on the page and what happens on the screen? To talk about it we have the honor of having Lonnie Nadler, writer, producer and director not only for the big page but for screens of many sizes.
The recording/live streaming will begin on Tuesday, August the 7th at 6:00 PM PST (Vancouver Time), 8:00 PM (Central Time, Mexico City Time)
Live Streaming also available at YouTube, Facebook y Periscope. Downloadable audio is available here.
Pueden descargar el audio aquí o escucharlo en el reproductor de al lado. También pueden escucharnos con sus aplicaciones favoritas como Spotify, iTunes, Pocket Cast, Sound Cloud, Spreaker, Stitcher, Tune In, Acast, Player FM, MixCloud, Overcast, iHeart Radio, Hear This At, y hasta en iVoox.
Este episodio es traído a todos ustedes gracias al apoyo invaluable de:
Productora Ejecutiva: Blanca López
Productor Asociado: Mauricio González
Co-Productor: Jaime Rosales
Co-Productor: Román Rangel
Co-Productor: Titus Bondi
Co-Productor: Juan Espíritu
Co-Productor: Enrique Vázquez
Agradecimiento especial a nuestros Patreons: Álvaro Vázquez, Daniel Krauze, Fernando Teodoro, Edith Sánchez, Alejandro Alemán, Fernando Alonso, Luis Macías, Lau Bermejo y Lulú Petite.
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